Schwarzkopf Igora Royal Cool Lift
Schwarzkopf Igora Royal Cool Lift
Single step to cool blonde highlights
Schwarzkopf IGORA Vario Blond Cool Lift is a bleach additive, blended with Schwarzkopf's Fibrebond technology (so you don't need to add the Fibreplex 1 Bond Booster to it), that gives secure, cool blonde highlights, even on naturally dark hair. It's designed to work in partnership with a powder bleach like igira VARIO Blind and provides lift and neutralisation in a single step.
Recommended mixing ratio is 10–15 ml of Cool Lift with 35 g of bleach and 50 ml of igora Royal Oil Developer (developer strength depends on starting hair colour). Processing time is 20–60 minutes depending on your required level of lift.
N.B. Cool Lift is only suitable for off-scalp application and should not be applied to either light blonde or previously bleached hair as it may stain blue.
Comes in a 60-ml tube.